balance. In each drawing getting the position of the body to look like she is balancing. missing the feet at the bottom need to make drawing smaller to get on page
balance on the body, however need to get all on a page still missing parts but getting the position right
the line doesn't flow well around her body, I have describe the position that well
work on the form a bit more, the arm looks fine however the rest i don't think works the same, keep going over the same area.
helpful to put in some guidelines to get the proportion and found the rest of the body was easier to put together.
make sure it fits on a page, probably be easier if i put a boarder around the page and see if i can get the whole body on the page.
found it easier in pen was more confidence in my lines and i was think twice if i got the shape wrong
these two went well, added the right information to describe the figure. adding the hair as well gave more of the direction she looking
drawing outside with clothing on, harder to describe what she was doing however adding in elements around her made her position on the page tell you what is happening.
adding the element help describe what is happen. doing quick studies help me describe her movement without adding bits that doesn't help describing what see doing.
starting to put everything on a page, doesn't look like she on the wood look like she hovering over top, need to make it look like she is standing on the wood better
quick drawings and moving around to get different view point of the same pose, it is easier to describe what is happening. Confidence with what I'm drawing however need to try and adapt to using one line instead of several lines.
tried a sweeping effect with only one line drawing but i didn't get the clothing or the hand and feet in however i think i capture the movement.
trying to cut done on the amount of pencil lines on an area, should try using pen it might help stop doing several lines.
adding ropes work well in the drawing it show what she is doing.
quick studies on the same pose to get different direction and what the pose look like.
space more on the page
need to add the head make it more define not quick lines.
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